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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Icons Robin's Throwing Bird

This is the Robin's Redbird replica from the movie "Batman & Robin". This is number #154.

Here is what Larry Taylor can tell us about that replica : "Oh boy, do I remember those things...Jeeeze what a production nightmare...nothing lined up, the fitment was horrible...alot of the wings wouldn't open out because of warpage.
Consider yourself very lucky Fred that you have one because a lot of them didn't make it out because of these issues. It's a great looking piece".

"It was just taken away from us by Warner Brothers so we couldn't finalize an accurate reproduction of it from the prototype and that's the reason why it had issues but some did make it out as is yours did and those were the good ones". Thank you Larry.

Al Z. adds : "It was definitely one of those props that was made just for the movie and not for the real world. People kept opening and closing the wings over and over again and after just a few times they would tend to pop off because they weren't designed to be used in the real world.
Had we had time to re-engineer it just a little better I think it would have made a very big difference".

"But Warner Brothers was very insistent that it get done ASAP....I also remember them coming in when we would do deliveries and supposedly DNA marking them so that they could not be bootlegged. Not that I think anybody would have". Thank you Al.

Then we have hand-made drawing prototypes of the piece, rendered by Daren Dochterman.

That one above is a concept advertisement for the Icons "Batman & Robin" replicas. It's interesting and funny to see the movie and Icons logos melted together !!

Here are some early concept COAs for the Throwing Bird.

Some other early concept COAs with Warner Bros. Studio annotations.

Another serie of COA prototypes.

Final test versions for the Redbird COA.

This is an early 
prototype plaque : as you can see, there are no trademarks (TM) after each line and logo, and it is "The RedBird" which will finally become "Robin's Throwing Bird" on final pieces !!!

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